Welcome to the Old Kingdom dynasty and my 1 video per mission Pharaoh playthrough! WIDESCREEN and 1080p!\r
Serabit Khadim play time: 53m (Hard Difficulty)\r
Full playlist: \r
Ive decided to finish games I never managed to from my childhood! Now Im on Pharaoh, another city-building game developed by Impressions Games and published by Sierra Entertainment in 1999, that has incredibly tough later levels.\r
All missions will be cut shorter; Im not trying to upload as many videos as I can.\r
Bought from gog.com so it runs on Windows 7 64bit\r
An IMPROVED widescreen fix has been made by Crudelios! : \r
Old widescreen fixer if that doesnt work : \r
Use the Cleopatra fix if you have the expansion, otherwise get the normal Pharaoh one.\r
End title music by Kevin MacLeod Also, if you like you can support me on Patreon: